防 老 剂 Antioxidant
化学名称 Chemical Name 辛基化二苯胺
Octylated diphenylamine
分 子 式 Molecular Formula C20H27N
结 构 式 Molecular Structure
分 子 量 Molecular Weight 281
CAS编号 CAS NO. 4175-37-5
产品规格 Specification
外观 Appearance |
浅棕色或近白色粉末或颗粒 Light brown or White powder or granule |
熔点 M.P. ℃≥ |
87.0 |
加热减量 Loss on Drying %≤ |
0.50 |
灰份 Ash %≤ |
0.30 |
性 状 浅棕色粉末或颗粒, 熔点不低于75℃,溶于苯,二氯乙烷、二硫化碳、丙酮和汽油、不溶于水。
用 途 天然橡胶、丁苯橡胶、丁腈橡胶、氯丁橡胶用抗氧剂,对热、氧、屈挠、裂口有防护作用, 不管胶料有无配合炭黑均有效。在氯丁橡胶中有明显的抗热脆性作用,并增强抗臭氧老化防护能力。主要用于制造轮胎、内胎、电缆、胶带、胶管、胶鞋、橡胶地板、垫圈及海绵制品等,一般用量0.5-2份
包 装 25千克/袋
保质期 24个月
Properties Light brown powder or granule, Melting point≥75℃. It is soluble in benzene, dichloroethane, carbon disulfide, acetone, and gasoline, Insoluble in water.
Uses OD is one of antioxidant for NR、SBR、NBR、CR etc. It has a good protection to resist on heating, oxygen, flexure and breaching. Have obviously protecting properties of anti-redshortness and anti-ozonization, especially in CR compounds whether it blend black carbon or no. OD mainly used in tyre, inner tube, electric cable, rubber belt, rubber pipe and hose, galoshes, rubber floorboard, rubber gasket and sponge products etc. Normal dosage is about 0.5-2phr.
Package 25kg/bag
Storage Life 24 month
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